Star Computing Training Center is a consulting and support firm specializing in project management and meets all needs in training, consulting, support, project information systems and planning tools with a view to increasing the performance of businesses. We align companies with international standards in project management to better achieve their strategic objectives. Furthermore, for more than 15 years, our experts have been training students and executives from French-speaking Africa. We support them in obtaining international certifications in project management and in setting up a project management structure (PMO) in companies.
Nous offrons à ceux qui nous font confiance les meilleures formations en matière de Management de projet.
- Formation en Certification PMP
- Formation en Certification CAPM
- Formation en Certification PSM I
- Formation en Certification PSPO I
- Formation en Certification PMI – RMP
- Des Formations non certifiantes
Notre approche globale s’adresse aussi aux entreprises désireuses d’avoir de meilleurs résultats en matière de gestion de projet